At Easy Health, we know that making communications about health easy to understand is essential. It helps patients understand what happens at an appointment, and why they need to go.  It saves lives.

That's why we collaborate with colleagues with a lived experience of learning disability &/ or neurodiversity to offer these services:

  • free documents on a variety of health conditions accessible on our website: (this website!)
  • translation: standard health documents into easy read documents
  • trainings for health and social care professionals on how to improve communication and support for people with disabilities &/ or autism
  • consultancy services to health and social care organisation

If your organisation needs support to comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Accessible Information Standard 2016, we can help you.

Please contact us for a chat, a quote or a booking.

Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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