Check our new resources!
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Don’t ignore the signs of a heart attack poster
An easy read poster/flyer talking about the early symptoms of a heart attack and what to do.

PHQ-9 and GAD-7 adapted (easy read) forms
These are adapted PHQ-9 and GAD-7 forms. They are used by doctors to understand the mental health of people with Learning disabilities

Alcohol Relapse Prevention Plan
This booklet will help you understand your feelings when you want to drink alcohol and what to do to stop drinking too much.

Mental Health Patient Safety Plan
This is a safety plan to help you/ your carer(s) think of good ways to help you when you feel upset or angry, especially when you are in hospital.

Smear tests/ cervical screening
This NHS leaflet tells you about cervical cancer, why a smear test/ cervical screening is important, what happens on the day of the test and after.