
  • We believe in the power of our community – we are stronger together!
  • We share a common goal to work together with people with a learning disability, autism and other disabilities to build better lives and connect to communities as equal citizens. People are always welcome and supported and we create a sense of belonging.


  • We are decisive and accountable for our actions, and take steps to continuously improve.
  • We are bold. We break down barriers and are advocates of change.
  • We are fair, and will not hesitate to challenge injustices.

Working Together

  • We are a team - we recognise that each of us has a part to play to make a difference.
  • We learn from others and share ideas to help shape the organisation and our services.
  • We build strong connections with the community and we form partnerships with others who share the same values.

Good communication

  • We listen and ensure everyone has a voice.
  • We communicate with honesty and respect.
  • We share and celebrate our successes.

Diversity and Inclusion

  • We foster a culture where every voice is welcome, heard, and respected.
  • We always behave in a way that is positive and constructive.
  • We embrace the differences of our diverse community with different perspectives and life experiences.


  • We think differently to find solutions and challenge stereotypes
Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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