Other health conditions

Category: Healthy Lifestyle
The image shows Vitamin D supplements in liquid and tablet form, with another image of the sun in a bubble, above an image of different fish above another bubble showing different dairy produce.

The image shows Vitamin D supplements in liquid and tablet form, with another image of the sun in a bubble, above an image of different fish above another bubble showing different dairy produce.Vitamin D Information for patients - Easy Read

An easy read resource with information about Vitamin D
13 Mar 2025
Members only
The image shows someone smliling standing in front of a picture of lots of healthy food and a heart, with the words: "keep your heart healthy" above them.

The image shows someone smliling standing in front of a picture of lots of healthy food and a heart, with the words: "keep your heart healthy" above them.Keep your heart healthy (easy read)

An accessible resource with easy read advice on looking after your heart
30 Jan 2025
Members only
The image shows someone wearing a pink top with their hands crossed, against their chest and with a worried look on their face.

The image shows someone wearing a pink top with their hands crossed, against their chest and with a worried look on their face.Anxiety - Easy read information

A useful easy read resource about anxiety
28 Nov 2024
Members only
The image shows someone with grey hair, who appears upset, being comforted by another person, with a short sleeved black top, who has placed a hand on their shoulder.

The image shows someone with grey hair, who appears upset, being comforted by another person, with a short sleeved black top, who has placed a hand on their shoulder.Depression & Low Mood - A Partner’s Guide - Easy read information

An easy read guide for those in a relationship with someone suffering from depression.
28 Nov 2024
Members only
The image shows someone holding their cheeks, with a concerned look on their face. Around them, they're images of a heart, a doctor's appointment, someone in the cold, rubbing their hands and someone lying down getting treatment from a doctor.

The image shows someone holding their cheeks, with a concerned look on their face. Around them, they're images of a heart, a doctor's appointment, someone in the cold, rubbing their hands and someone lying down getting treatment from a doctor. Health Anxiety - Easy read information

An easy read resource created to help those with health conditions that make them feel anxious.
28 Nov 2024
Members only
The image shows someone yawning whilst holding their mouth, with the words "Sleeping Problems" written underneath

The image shows someone yawning whilst holding their mouth, with the words "Sleeping Problems" written underneath Sleeping Problems - Easy read information

An easy read resource with useful information on sleeping problems.
25 Nov 2024
Members only
The image shows someone, wearing glasses, holding their right hand up, whilst in their left hand they have a leaflet with a picture of someone holding a diabetes monitor.

The image shows someone, wearing glasses, holding their right hand up, whilst in their left hand they have a leaflet with a picture of someone holding a diabetes monitor.What is Type 2 Diabetes?

An easy read resource explaining what type 2 diabetes is.
30 Oct 2024
Members only
The image shows someone scratching their chin whilst looking at an insulin pen and other diabetes medication and a blood sugar monitor

The image shows someone scratching their chin whilst looking at an insulin pen and other diabetes medication and a blood sugar monitorMaking a Decision about Managing Type 1 Diabetes

This easy read leaflet is about type 1 diabetes and explains what you need to know about managing the condition.
3 May 2024
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet with the title: We are here to help you stay well this winter, Things you need to do to stay well. The picture shows an elderly couple with a man & a woman walking hand in hand, dressed up warmly.

This is the front cover of the leaflet with the title: We are here to help you stay well this winter, Things you need to do to stay well. The picture shows an elderly couple with a man & a woman walking hand in hand, dressed up warmly.Stay Well This Winter 2023 - easy read leaflet (NHS)

This NHS easy read leaflet tells you how to stay well and healthy this winter, including getting the flu and coronavirus vaccinations (jabs).
23 Nov 2023
Members only
First page of the leaflet - for illustration purpose only.

First page of the leaflet - for illustration purpose only.Keeping clean

This leaflet explains what personal hygiene is and the importance of body and food hygiene.
18 May 2023
Members only
First page of the leaflet - for illustration purpose only.

First page of the leaflet - for illustration purpose only.Look after your body - personal hygiene resource pack

In this leaflet, you will learn about personal hygiene and how to best look after your body.
18 May 2023
Members only
illustration purpose: image of the leaflet.

illustration purpose: image of the leaflet.Caring for our teeth - foods to have during or between meals

Tis leaflet tells you about the food that you can have between meal and the food that you should have during meals.
25 Jan 2023
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet. The picture shows a woman using an inhaler. It gives the title: All about asthma, and it says it's an easy read document.

This is the front cover of the leaflet. The picture shows a woman using an inhaler. It gives the title: All about asthma, and it says it's an easy read document.All about asthma

This resource is an easy read leaflet. It tells you all about asthma and how to stay well.
7 Nov 2022
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet. The picture shows cars driving on a wet road under heavy snow on the left, and on the lower right hand corner, the picture of a woman in a thick coat with a fluffy hood. The second picture appears on an orange circle.

This is the front cover of the leaflet. The picture shows cars driving on a wet road under heavy snow on the left, and on the lower right hand corner, the picture of a woman in a thick coat with a fluffy hood. The second picture appears on an orange circle.Cold Weather Plan for England - Keeping healthy when it is really cold

This easy read leaflet says how to get ready for winter and stay healthy when it is really cold. The document is long.
7 Nov 2022
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet. The picture shows a part of a kitchen (cupboards, oven, kettle) with a stain of damp on the wall circled in red.

This is the front cover of the leaflet. The picture shows a part of a kitchen (cupboards, oven, kettle) with a stain of damp on the wall circled in red.Dealing with damp and mould in your home

This leaflet tells you how to prevent damp and mould appear in your home and what to do if it does.
7 Nov 2022
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet. The photo shows 2 women sitting on the grass and laughing.

This is the front cover of the leaflet. The photo shows 2 women sitting on the grass and laughing.Good mental health guide

This easy read guide explains what mental health is, what to do if you think you have an issue and how to look after your mental health.
1 Nov 2022
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet. It tells the title: 7 steps to equal healthcare - Your guide to getting good healthcare if you have a learning disability. It shows the logos of the organisations that made it: McMillan & Enable Scotland. It shows the drawing of 5 people. At the front, a women smiles with her thumb up. Behind her stand male and female doctors with different coloured uniforms for different health specialists.

This is the front cover of the leaflet. It tells the title: 7 steps to equal healthcare - Your guide to getting good healthcare if you have a learning disability. It shows the logos of the organisations that made it: McMillan & Enable Scotland. It shows the drawing of 5 people. At the front, a women smiles with her thumb up. Behind her stand male and female doctors with different coloured uniforms for different health specialists.Your guide to getting good healthcare if you have a learning disability

This Guide is for people who need easy to understand information on how to get a great support from healthcare staff.
1 Nov 2022
Members only
This is the front cover of the leaflet, the illustration shows a man leaning on the desk of the GP surgery reception and then with a GP looking into his ear.

This is the front cover of the leaflet, the illustration shows a man leaning on the desk of the GP surgery reception and then with a GP looking into his ear.Annual Health Check

This leaflet tells you what an Annual Health Check is, how to prepare for the appointment and what happens at an annual health check and after.
25 Oct 2022
Members only
Small icon of the Beat the heat poster

Small icon of the Beat the heat posterBeat the Heat

Advice on what to do to remain healthy during a heatwave.
11 Aug 2022
Members only

Alcohol Relapse Prevention Plan

This booklet will help you understand your feelings when you want to drink alcohol and what to do to stop drinking too much.
16 Mar 2022
Members only

Mental Health Patient Safety Plan

This is a safety plan to help you/ your carer(s) think of good ways to help you when you feel upset or angry, especially when you are in hospital.
16 Mar 2022
Members only

An Easy Read Guide To Self Care

This leaflet explains how to keep yourself healthy.
7 Apr 2021
Members only

Healthy Lifestyle

These sheets list the things you should do to stay healthy.
7 Apr 2021
Members only

How Can You Be Healthy?

This leaflet tells you some of the things you can do to be healthy.
7 Apr 2021
Members only

Get Healthy! Live Longer!

This video follows Steve as he makes healthy changes to his life - including eating well, exercising, and getting an annual health check.
3 Mar 2021
Members only

Making Choices About Your Healthcare

An Easy Read guide to capacity, consent and best interest decisions for adults.
17 Feb 2021
Members only
Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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