Other health conditions

Category: Autism
The image shows 5 people on the left hand side. One of them  is in a wheelchair, another person is standing behind with their left thumb up, whilst beside them there are 3 other people. One of them has a pink polo top on, whilst the next person is wearing a red top and then there's a person in a blue top, holding a guide stick. On the right hand side there is another image of 5 children.

The image shows 5 people on the left hand side. One of them  is in a wheelchair, another person is standing behind with their left thumb up, whilst beside them there are 3 other people. One of them has a pink polo top on, whilst the next person is wearing a red top and then there's a person in a blue top, holding a guide stick. On the right hand side there is another image of 5 children.Easy Read - What is a Learning Disability?

This easy read leaflet is an accessible guide explaining what a learning disability is.
4 Feb 2024
Members only
The image shows a nurse starring at a computer screen and someone sitting beside them.

The image shows a nurse starring at a computer screen and someone sitting beside them.A Reasonably Adjusted Clinic for Patients with a Learning Disability - Toolkit

An Easy Read resource toolkit and videos on a reasonably adjusted clinic for patients with a learning disability.
15 Jan 2024
Members only
First page of the leaflet - for illustration purpose only.

First page of the leaflet - for illustration purpose only.What is a learning disability - easy read leaflet

This easy read leaflet tells you all about what a learning disability is.
15 Sep 2023
Members only
image for illustrative purpose only: first page of document

image for illustrative purpose only: first page of documentAppointment communication cards

These cards help patients (incl. patients with limited communication, anxiety, autism or learning disabilities) prepare for their appointment.
6 Dec 2022
Members only
Illustration purpose only

Illustration purpose onlyMy Information Card

Baked Beans have collaborated with the NHS to create this card: it tells you how the carrier wants to be supported in healthcare settings.
6 Dec 2022
Members only


This leaflet is about what it is like to have autism and what support is available.
10 Feb 2021
Members only

What is Autism?

A short animated video about what autism is.
10 Feb 2021
Members only
Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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