Other health conditions

Category: Bowel
This image shows a patient lying down with a medical professional inserting an instrument into their belly, via their mouth.

This image shows a patient lying down with a medical professional inserting an instrument into their belly, via their mouth.Having a gastroscopy [Information for patients]

An easy read guide on gastroscopy
27 Feb 2025
Members only
The image shows someone with their hand on their chin and 3 question marks beside them, whilst above there's an image of someone's hernia area.

The image shows someone with their hand on their chin and 3 question marks beside them, whilst above there's an image of someone's hernia area.Making a Decision about an Inguinal-Hernia easy-read [Winton Centre]

Easy read information about ways to manage and treat an Inguinal-Hernia.
7 May 2024
Members only
The image shows someone biting their nails whilst looking at a picture of where gallstones are on a human body.

The image shows someone biting their nails whilst looking at a picture of where gallstones are on a human body.Making a Decision about Gallstones [Winton Centre]

Easy read information about gallstones and how they are treated.
7 May 2024
Members only
The image is of someone having a poo.

The image is of someone having a poo.Giving a Poo Sample - easy read [G.O.S.H]

An easy read resource explaining the process of giving a poo sample.
6 May 2024
Members only
This is an image of a humans digestive organs.

This is an image of a humans digestive organs.Healthy Bowels - easy read [G.O.S.H]

An easy read resource on how to keep your bowels healthy.
6 May 2024
Members only
The image shows two people looking at a NHS Test instruction letter and the person on the right is holding a test kit.

The image shows two people looking at a NHS Test instruction letter and the person on the right is holding a test kit.NHS: Bowel Cancer Screening - Easy Read

An easy read leaflet explaining the process of a NHS bowel cancer screening test.
23 Apr 2024
Members only
The image shows someone holding their stomach, with the word "Endometriosis" written above their head.

The image shows someone holding their stomach, with the word "Endometriosis" written above their head.Easy Read - Endometriosis

An easy read resource explaining what endometriosis is and what help is available.
8 Feb 2024
Members only
This image shows someone holding their tummy and the word "Fibroids" above their head.

This image shows someone holding their tummy and the word "Fibroids" above their head.Easy Read - Fibroids

An easy read resource explaining what Fibroids are and what help is available.
8 Feb 2024
Members only
This image shows someone holding their tummy, a picture of poo and a toilet.

This image shows someone holding their tummy, a picture of poo and a toilet.Easy read - What are the signs of Constipation?

A video and resource booklet to help people with a learning disability know the signs of constipation and why it's important to get help.
11 Jan 2024
Members only
Speak to your doctor if you are worried about cancer  If something in your body does not feel right, and you are worried you might have cancer, speak to your doctor.  Most people who speak to their doctor find out it is not cancer.  But if it is cancer, finding it early makes it easier to treat.  Speak to your doctor, they are there to help.  Find out more at nhs.uk/cancersymptoms

Speak to your doctor if you are worried about cancer  If something in your body does not feel right, and you are worried you might have cancer, speak to your doctor.  Most people who speak to their doctor find out it is not cancer.  But if it is cancer, finding it early makes it easier to treat.  Speak to your doctor, they are there to help.  Find out more at nhs.uk/cancersymptomsIf you are worried about cancer speak to your doctor - poster from the NHS

This easy read poster from the NHS encourages people to speak to their doctor if something in their body does not feel right or they are worried.
7 Nov 2022
Members only
This is a picture of the leaflet, for illustration purposes only.

This is a picture of the leaflet, for illustration purposes only.Tummy trouble? Blood in your wee? Speak to your doctor - poster from the NHS

This is an easy read poster from the NHS encouraging people to see their doctor if they have had tummy trouble for 3 weeks or more.
7 Nov 2022
Members only
This is the cover of the leaflet for Bowel cancer screening: having a CTC scan, with a picture of a person lying down inside the CTC scan device and a nurse standing near  and talking to the patient.

This is the cover of the leaflet for Bowel cancer screening: having a CTC scan, with a picture of a person lying down inside the CTC scan device and a nurse standing near  and talking to the patient.Bowel cancer screening: an easy guide to having a CTC scan

This leaflet is an easy guide that explains what happens during a CTC scan for Bowel cancer screening.
16 Aug 2022
Members only
This is the picture of the letter.

This is the picture of the letter.Bowel cancer screening easy read invitation letter content

This is an easy read invitation letter template for a Bowel cancer screening.
16 Aug 2022
Members only
first page of the letter

first page of the letterBowel cancer screening results letter (A183) - more tests needed - Easy read letter

This is an easy read letter with the results of bowel cancer screening when more tests are needed (A183).
16 Aug 2022
Members only
This is the first page of the letter

This is the first page of the letterBowel cancer screening S2 no further tests required easy read letter content

This is an easy read letter for bowel cancer screening S2 to inform patients no further tests are required.
16 Aug 2022
Members only
first page of the letter

first page of the letterBowel cancer screening S2 previous cancer no further tests required easy read letter content

This is an easy read results letter for patients who went for a Bowel cancer screening S2 and previously had cancer, but now need no further tests.
16 Aug 2022
Members only
this is the front cover of the Bowel Cancer Screening easy guides. It shows two hands opening a bowel cancer screening kit. The NHS invites men and women for bowel cancer screening after  their 60th birthday. You can call the freephone helpline for advice on 0800 707 60 60.

this is the front cover of the Bowel Cancer Screening easy guides. It shows two hands opening a bowel cancer screening kit. The NHS invites men and women for bowel cancer screening after  their 60th birthday. You can call the freephone helpline for advice on 0800 707 60 60.Bowel Cancer Screening

This leaflet tells you about bowel cancer, screening, screening results and how to keep your guts healthy.
11 Aug 2022
Members only
This is the front cover of the 'Bowel cancer screening: having a colonoscopy An easy guide' leaflet. A medical staff (a colonoscopist) holds a colonoscopy tube in his hands. He wears an apron and gloves. Call the Freephone helpline for advice: 0800 707 60 60

This is the front cover of the 'Bowel cancer screening: having a colonoscopy An easy guide' leaflet. A medical staff (a colonoscopist) holds a colonoscopy tube in his hands. He wears an apron and gloves. Call the Freephone helpline for advice: 0800 707 60 60Bowel cancer screening: an easy guide to having a colonoscopy

This leaflets tells what a colonoscopy is, what happens before, on the day and after, and how to stay healthy.
11 Aug 2022
Members only
Letter of invite for the Bowel cancer screening

Letter of invite for the Bowel cancer screeningBowel cancer screening invite letter (easy read)

This is a template easy read invite letter for bowel cancer screening appointments.
11 Aug 2022
Members only

An Easy Guide to Bowel Cancer Screening

A picture story about using a bowel cancer testing kit - updated for 2021.
6 Sep 2021
Members only

An Easy Guide to Having a Colonoscopy

A picture story about having an colonoscopy investigation.
15 Feb 2021
Members only

Bowel Cancer

This leaflet tells you about the risk and signs of bowel cancer, and what tests you can have.
15 Feb 2021
Members only

Bowel and Bladder Awareness

This leaflet is about what is normal when peeing or pooing, and when you should go to the doctor.
12 Feb 2021
Members only


This leaflet is about what happens if you are constipated and when you should go to the doctor.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

How Do I Go To The Toilet By Myself? A Guide For Boys

This leaflet is about going to the toilet. There is space to add your own information and photos.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

How Do I Go To The Toilet By Myself? A Guide For Girls

This leaflet is about going to the toilet. There is space to add your own information and photos.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Preventing Constipation

This leaflet is about what you can do to help you go to the toilet and feel well.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Trouble Pooing (Constipation)

This leaflet is about the signs of constipation and what to do if you think you are constipated.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Bowel Cancer Screening

A leaflet about having a bowel cancer screening test.
3 Feb 2021
Members only
Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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