Other health conditions

Category: Tests
The image shows an elderly person lying down, with their top rolled up, as a nurse runs a screening instrument over their stomach.

The image shows an elderly person lying down, with their top rolled up, as a nurse runs a screening instrument over their stomach.Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) screening

An easy read guide about a health test for men who are 65 or older
10 Mar 2025
Members only
This image shows a patient lying down with a medical professional inserting an instrument into their belly, via their mouth.

This image shows a patient lying down with a medical professional inserting an instrument into their belly, via their mouth.Having a gastroscopy [Information for patients]

An easy read guide on gastroscopy
27 Feb 2025
Members only
The image shows someone, wearing glasses, holding their right hand up, whilst in their left hand they have a leaflet with a picture of someone holding a diabetes monitor.

The image shows someone, wearing glasses, holding their right hand up, whilst in their left hand they have a leaflet with a picture of someone holding a diabetes monitor.What is Type 2 Diabetes?

An easy read resource explaining what type 2 diabetes is.
30 Oct 2024
Members only
The image shows a person with no top on facing forward and you can see all their internal organs. The Information symbol is beside them.

The image shows a person with no top on facing forward and you can see all their internal organs. The Information symbol is beside them.How to Avoid Sepsis

An easy read guide from NHS England & NHS Improvement on hos to avoid Sepsis.
30 Sep 2024
Members only
The image shows a person with no top on facing forward and you can see all their internal organs.

The image shows a person with no top on facing forward and you can see all their internal organs.Signs of Sepsis and What to Do

An easy read guide, from NHS England & NHS Improvement, on the signs of sepsis and what to do.
30 Sep 2024
Members only
The image shows 5 different men and a guide dog, with the words "Going for a Prostate Examination" above them

The image shows 5 different men and a guide dog, with the words "Going for a Prostate Examination" above themGoing for a Prostate Examination

An easy read resource from Lanarkshire NHS, that explains the process of going for a prostate examination
28 Sep 2024
Members only
The image shows a person standing with their arms stretched out and in the middle part of their body there's a a screen showing an image of their skeleton.

The image shows a person standing with their arms stretched out and in the middle part of their body there's a a screen showing an image of their skeleton.Having an X-Ray

Easy read information on attending an X-Ray.
5 Aug 2024
The image shows a doctor looking into someone's ear, using an Otoscopea .

The image shows a doctor looking into someone's ear, using an Otoscopea .Having a Hearing Test [Audiology Assessment]

This easy read resource provides information on what a hearing test is and the process involved.
13 Jun 2024
The image shows a doctor giving someone in a blue top an injection in their arm.

The image shows a doctor giving someone in a blue top an injection in their arm.Tests for Ovarian Cancer

This easy read booklet gives information on the tests available for ovarian cancer.
13 Jun 2024
Members only
The image is of a womb and ovaries, with the the words "what is ovarian cancer?" above it

The image is of a womb and ovaries, with the the words "what is ovarian cancer?" above itWhat is Ovarian Cancer?

An easy read resource explaining exactly what ovarian cancer is.
13 Jun 2024
Members only
The image shows a sealed beaker with urine inside and someone sitting on a toilet.

The image shows a sealed beaker with urine inside and someone sitting on a toilet.Giving a Wee Sample - easy read [G.O.S.H]

An east read resource explaining the process of giving a urine sample.
6 May 2024
Members only
This image shows someone lying on a bed under a body scanner, There is also a person lying on a bed that's going into a CT Scanner and there's also 2 stickmen, one is holding a stethoscope and the other is holding a cross

This image shows someone lying on a bed under a body scanner, There is also a person lying on a bed that's going into a CT Scanner and there's also 2 stickmen, one is holding a stethoscope and the other is holding a crossHaving a Bone Scan- easy read [G.O.S.H]

An easy read resource explaining what happens when someone has a bone scan
6 May 2024
Members only
This image shows someone with glasses on the left hand side, with an image of the prostate area on the right hand side

This image shows someone with glasses on the left hand side, with an image of the prostate area on the right hand sideMaking a Decision about an Enlarged Prostate

This easy read leaflet is about enlarged (big) prostate
3 May 2024
Members only
This image shows someone scratching their chin, whilst looking at an image of a pair of legs with protruding veins in the calf area

This image shows someone scratching their chin, whilst looking at an image of a pair of legs with protruding veins in the calf areaMaking a Decision about Varicose Veins

This easy read leaflet is about varicose veins.
3 May 2024
Members only
The image shows two people looking at a NHS Test instruction letter and the person on the right is holding a test kit.

The image shows two people looking at a NHS Test instruction letter and the person on the right is holding a test kit.NHS: Bowel Cancer Screening - Easy Read

An easy read leaflet explaining the process of a NHS bowel cancer screening test.
23 Apr 2024
Members only
This image has the words: "Myth Buster Cervical Screening" and a picture of a medical professional in a black top, with the subtitles :it shouldn't be painful" below.

This image has the words: "Myth Buster Cervical Screening" and a picture of a medical professional in a black top, with the subtitles :it shouldn't be painful" below.  Cervical Screening Myths [Questions & Answers]

An accessible video in which a medical professional answers common questions about cervical screening.
11 Mar 2024
Members only
This image shows someone's arm, with a strap around their bicep, which is connected to a blood pressure monitor.

This image shows someone's arm, with a strap around their bicep, which is connected to a blood pressure monitor.Easy Read - How to take your own Blood Pressure

This easy read resource goes through the steps of taking your own blood pressure.
16 Feb 2024
Members only
The image shows someone laying down, holding their stomach and a nurse in a blue uniform standing over them

The image shows someone laying down, holding their stomach and a nurse in a blue uniform standing over themEasy Read - Having a Smear Test

This is an easy read resource that explains what a smear test is, why it is important and what is involved.
4 Feb 2024
Members only
This image shows some calendar dates, a person in a wheelchair and someone in a striped jumper.

This image shows some calendar dates, a person in a wheelchair and someone in a striped jumper.Video - "Don't Miss Out" - Stories about Annual Health Checks [By MENCAP]

People with a learning disability talking about their Annual Health Check experiences..
25 Jan 2024
Members only
The front cover of the leaflet shows ac male patient with his face against a device for Diabetic eye screening and female practitioner operating the device.

The front cover of the leaflet shows ac male patient with his face against a device for Diabetic eye screening and female practitioner operating the device.Diabetic eye screening - NHS

This leaflet tells you why it is important to go for a Diabetic eye screening, what happens during and after your appointment.
25 Oct 2022
Members only
Female patient lying down for a scan of her belly by doctor

Female patient lying down for a scan of her belly by doctorEasy guide to screening for Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome (pregnancy)

This is an easy guide to screening tests for Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome during pregnancy
17 Oct 2022
Members only
Female patient having blood taken by a nurse.

Female patient having blood taken by a nurse.Easy guide to screening tests for sickle cell disease and thalassaemia when you are pregnant

This booklet explains what happens during sickle cell disease or thalassaemia tests for pregnant women, and why they should go.
17 Oct 2022
Members only
Front cover of the easy guide for the screening. It shows gloved hands putting a canular in someone's arm.

Front cover of the easy guide for the screening. It shows gloved hands putting a canular in someone's arm.Screening for hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis when you are pregnant

This easy guide booklet explains what happens at screening tests for pregnant women for hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis and what the conditions are.
17 Oct 2022
Members only

Having Swabs Taken

This leaflet explains how medical staff might use a swab to check whether or not you are poorly.
15 Apr 2021

Having Your Oxygen Levels Checked

This leaflet is about getting your oxygen levels checked with a pulse oximeter.
15 Apr 2021


This leaflet is about what will happen when you go to hospital for an endoscopy.
7 Apr 2021
Members only

Gamma Camera

This leaflet is about having a Gamma Camera scan.
7 Apr 2021
Members only

A Visit To The Optician

A video following along with Mr Brown as he has an eye test.
24 Feb 2021
Members only

Having An Eye Test

This leaflet is about why you should do an eye test and what happens when you do.
24 Feb 2021
Members only

Covid-19 Swab Test

This leaflet tells you what will happen when you have a Covid-19 swab test.
17 Feb 2021
Members only

Having a Test for Coronavirus

A wordless story about getting tested for coronavirus. The story shows how testing works at a drive through centre and using a self-test kit at home.
17 Feb 2021
Members only

Using a Pulse Oximeter to Check You Are OK

This leaflet shows you how to use a pulse oximeter and what to do with the information that it tells you.
17 Feb 2021
Members only

An Easy Guide to Having a Colonoscopy

A picture story about having an colonoscopy investigation.
15 Feb 2021
Members only

Barium Meal Test

This leaflet is about having a barium meal test.
15 Feb 2021
Members only

Blood Test

This leaflet is about what happens when you have a blood test.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Blood Test Cards

8 cards with text and pictures telling you what will happen when you have a blood test.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Do The Test

Do The Test is a short film about having a mammogram. It was made by and for women with learning disabilities.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Flexible Cystoscopy

This leaflet is about what happens when you have a cystoscopy to look at your bladder.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Having a Blood Test

This leaflet is about what happens when you have a blood test.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Having A Mammogram

This leaflet tells you why you should have a mammogram and what happens when you do.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

My Boobs and Me

This leaflet tells you about the risks of breast cancer, signs of breast cancer, and breast screening.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Taking Care of Your Breasts

This leaflet tells you how to check your breasts, what to do if you notice a change, and what tests the doctor will do.
12 Feb 2021
Members only

Urology Investigation

This leaflet is about what will happen when you go for a urology investigation.
12 Feb 2021
Members only
Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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