Other health conditions

Category: Abdominal Cancer
This image shows a patient lying down with a medical professional inserting an instrument into their belly, via their mouth.

This image shows a patient lying down with a medical professional inserting an instrument into their belly, via their mouth.Having a gastroscopy [Information for patients]

An easy read guide on gastroscopy
27 Feb 2025
Members only
This image shows a group of people in a social gathering with drinks in their hands

This image shows a group of people in a social gathering with drinks in their handsYour social life and cancer

This easy read booklet is about social life when someone has cancer.
25 Oct 2024
Members only
The image shows two people looking at a NHS Test instruction letter and the person on the right is holding a test kit.

The image shows two people looking at a NHS Test instruction letter and the person on the right is holding a test kit.NHS: Bowel Cancer Screening - Easy Read

An easy read leaflet explaining the process of a NHS bowel cancer screening test.
23 Apr 2024
Members only
Speak to your doctor if you are worried about cancer  If something in your body does not feel right, and you are worried you might have cancer, speak to your doctor.  Most people who speak to their doctor find out it is not cancer.  But if it is cancer, finding it early makes it easier to treat.  Speak to your doctor, they are there to help.  Find out more at nhs.uk/cancersymptoms

Speak to your doctor if you are worried about cancer  If something in your body does not feel right, and you are worried you might have cancer, speak to your doctor.  Most people who speak to their doctor find out it is not cancer.  But if it is cancer, finding it early makes it easier to treat.  Speak to your doctor, they are there to help.  Find out more at nhs.uk/cancersymptomsIf you are worried about cancer speak to your doctor - poster from the NHS

This easy read poster from the NHS encourages people to speak to their doctor if something in their body does not feel right or they are worried.
7 Nov 2022
Members only
This is a picture of the leaflet, for illustration purposes only.

This is a picture of the leaflet, for illustration purposes only.Tummy trouble? Blood in your wee? Speak to your doctor - poster from the NHS

This is an easy read poster from the NHS encouraging people to see their doctor if they have had tummy trouble for 3 weeks or more.
7 Nov 2022
Members only
Easy Health is managed by Generate. Generate is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1069548 at 73 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ. Most images used on the site are from Photosymbols. Easy Health is a library of accessible information. We share the work of different organisations, but are not responsible for content. Always check information with a qualified health practitioner.
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