Other health conditions

Category: Contraception
The image shows someone standing in front of a pharmacy counter, with a pharmacist in front of them

The image shows someone standing in front of a pharmacy counter, with a pharmacist in front of themNHS: New ways your pharmacist can help you - Easy Read Leaflet [2025 Edition]

An easy read guide to the different ways your pharmacist can help you.
13 Feb 2025
Members only
The words £Common symptoms of menopause are at the top of the image, followed by pictures of someone in bed with their eyes open, someone with a rash on their face and someone who looks anxious .

The words £Common symptoms of menopause are at the top of the image, followed by pictures of someone in bed with their eyes open, someone with a rash on their face and someone who looks anxious .Easy Read - Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

An easy read resource about the signs and symptoms of menopause.
8 Feb 2024
Members only
The words: "What is menopause? has a box underneath, with the word "periods" followed by an images of 3 calendrers, someone with a green top on and a image in a bubble showing the genital area.

The words: "What is menopause? has a box underneath, with the word "periods" followed by an images of 3 calendrers, someone with a green top on and a image in a bubble showing the genital area.Easy Read - What is Menopause?

An easy read resource explaining what menopause is and what help is available.
8 Feb 2024
Members only
This is the front cover of the Lanarkshire NHS easy read leaflet for HIV and AIDS. It shows a group of 6 people of different gender and backgrounds, some with disabilities.

This is the front cover of the Lanarkshire NHS easy read leaflet for HIV and AIDS. It shows a group of 6 people of different gender and backgrounds, some with disabilities.HIV - AIDS information guide

This Easy Read leaflet explains what AIDS & HIV are. It tells you what the symptoms are and how to get tested - in Lanarkshire.
31 Oct 2022
Members only

Let's Talk About Sex!

A booklet about sex, contraception, pregnancy, and STIs.
3 Nov 2021
Members only

Your Guide To Female Sterilisation

This leaflet tells you what will happen if you choose to have a sterilisation.
31 Mar 2021
Members only

Love, Sex, and You

This leaflet is about being in a relationship, sex, contracepetion, sexual assault, and safe sex.
30 Mar 2021
Members only

Emergency Contraception

This leaflet is about the two types of emergency contraception.
19 Feb 2021
Members only

How To Put On a Condom

This leaflet is about how to put on and take off a condom properly.
19 Feb 2021
Members only

The Contraceptive Implant

This leaflet is about the contraceptive implant, possible side effects, and how it is put in.
19 Feb 2021
Members only

The Contraceptive Injection

This leaflet is about the contraceptive injection, how long it lasts, and possible side effects.
19 Feb 2021
Members only

The Contraceptive Pill

This leaflet is about the contraceptive pill and its side effects.
19 Feb 2021
Members only

The Intrauterine Device (IUD)

This leaflet is about the Intrauterine Device (IUD) and its side effects.
19 Feb 2021
Members only

The Intrauterine System (IUS)

This leaflet is about the Intrauterine System (IUS) and its side effects.
19 Feb 2021
Members only
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